Organisations - Health Trainers - Reach For The Stars

What We Do

"I've got a new life now - friends and interests - I don't like to think back to how I was before"

Health Trainers - Reach for the Stars is a service from Halton's Healthy Living Programme designed to support local people who have made a choice to try and live more healthily.

Health Trainer support

With a listening ear and time just for you, our Health Trainers understand how difficult it can be just getting on with life, never mind trying to live healthily. We recognise that making the choice to get out more and living more healthily may have been a big step and we know that doing this alone can be very tough, however with support it becomes just that bit easier.

With knowledge of your local community, your Health Trainer will contact and meet with you regularly at a time and place of your choice, listen to why you would like to change your lifestyle and support you to get out and about more. Together you will agree some personal health goals in the form of a plan in the knowledge that your Health Trainer will support you every step of the way.

Help from volunteers

In addition, we have a volunteering arm to our service with volunteers from a variety of backgrounds who work with us offering you as much information and support as an you require enabling you to attend activities of your choice. For people who are unable to go to an activity alone we aim to provide a volunteer buddy to accompany you. These essential and valued volunteers are recruited, trained, insured, managed and supported by our service. They are not trained carers or professional counsellors, rather a helping hand.

Healthy Lifestyle visits to community venues

For the most isolated people who are unable to go out to socialise and learn new skills, we have a small team of Senior Peer Mentors known as "STARS". These volunteers visit community venues and sheltered accommodations and offer healthy lifestyle sessions using a "cup of tea and a chat" approach. This involves a hand massage and a conversation about a relevant lifestyle topic e.g. Healthy eating, Healthy Exercise, Stress or Smoking.

This service has the capacity to make an important positive contribution to the social, physical and mental well-being of people in Halton. Essentially, the work involves bringing the team around the person by identifying need, encouraging participation and by empowering local people to take control and make informed choices.

To find out more contact us or call Kerry Grimes / Sue Davies on 0151 495 5496 and learn how Health Trainers - Reach for the Stars can help you!

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