General information - Halton Nature,Conservation
Some general information from The Grapevine about this type of organisation and what to expect.
Natural environment
From a simple walk in the woods to becoming involved in biodiversity research or volunteering on a conservation based project the natural open spaces around Runcorn,Halton and Widnes have so much to offer - Halton nature,conservation.
You can expect to find entries related to :
- Local nature reserves
- Bird watching
- Wildlife
- Conservation
- School or community group visits
Simple pleasures for little or no cost
Mother nature is open for all to enjoy all year round and in these days of the credit crunch and a focus on saving money some of the most rewarding pleasures and activities are still free.
Participate in The Grapevine
If you offer learning or self improvement opportunities or leisure learning activities eg hobbies, crafts or sports and you would like to tell people what's going on in your organisation then visit the Participate in The Grapevine page for further details.
Help us make The Grapevine the place to find out what's going on in the learning community of Halton.